D-Day...11 February, 2011, A day that will live in....hm, I don't know. Hopefully it will be a day that begins my path to better health.
Yep, the old boy finally goes and sees a doctor for the first time in like...Forever it seems. And this is truly the first time in my life that I have actually been looking forward to going to see a physician.
I'll admit it now, I'm concerned by some of the symptoms I'm having and it will do me a lot of good all around to get this stuff checked out.
I can't explain my tendency to delay going...I've had health Insurance since last May but there definately was a side of me that hasn't trusted our health care system and since I've just been through some difficult financial times I was reluctant to start racking up any more medical bills.
But ultimately, I need to get checked out so off we go to interview a new Doc. That is probably been another contributer to my reluctance: the fact that I don't have a physician here in the Coldwater area and starting over, as it were seems like a huge endeavor.
I have a great deal of medical baggage as well, pre-existing injuries, disabilities, medications and the like. Also I have spent the last 25 years with my Doc in Holland and have a close and trusted relationship with him. We have been through a lot together.
But I've received a really good recommendation for this Doctor, she understands recovering addicts and is a stickler for not prescribing Narcotics. A good thing for me just in case things brake down in my recovery it sounds like she would be impossible to manipulate. And yes, that is exactly the way I want her to be...
So I'm off to the doctor's office this morning and then I have like no plans for the weekend which is pretty unusual...so we'll just have to take things as they come the next couple of days.
If I survive this appointment, then I imagine I'll see you back here sometime this afternoon, CHEERS!
can't wait to hear the outcome. better to hear what's going on then to worry about the "maybes". Please call this weekend, ok? Love you, daddy!