Cool Stuff

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Late Night Chat...

Vincent Van Gogh

The day has ended. I went and saw the Doc today, almost a month after the surgery. He likes what he is seeing and hearing (hearing from me and my body) so I'm feel pretty good about things. I'm not as far along as I would like but i am ahead of the curve as far as HE is concerned and obviously THAT is what matters...

I was hoping to be more active then he will allow but he is afraid that the stitches into the muscle around the diaphragm will tear and THAT would be big trouble if that happened! So I have to be patient for awhile and ease into things a bit more. I do not want to do anything rash ans experience a set back. I'm looking to really enjoy my summer so I need to take the time to heal properly and I will then be able to enjoy most of the summer. if I screw up and get hurt, I could lose the whole summer, I definately do not want to do that.

So walking and some X-Bike plus chipping/putting are my allowable exercises right now and I am to ease into more upper body movement over the next 3 weeks.

This weekend I get to watch my oldest niece get married down in Dayton, Ohio. She is a nice kid and I like her fiancée as well. I have to drive down and back in the same night, something I'm not thrilled about. K-Sue is coming as well so that makes it a lot nicer to have company. Then we head up to Holland on Sunday morning for her son's graduation party. He is having his party before he graduates because right after he does the Marine Corps is taking him away! Now thats a nice reward for all that hard work in school, eh!??

We are getting everything pretty much ready for the summer and warm weather. Pontoon boat and dock are in and the Jet Ski is ready to go. The golf cart needs it's batteries replaced so they came and picked it up today. now if we can just get some really warm weather we should be all set.

OK, I'm punchy and no longer chatty which is sort of a requirement for a "chatty" blog post which this was supposed to be so Goodnight John Boy...Good Night Pa...goodnight Sue Ellen...ah, you get the drift...good night.