Pizza...Sausage pizza w/xtra cheese and I'm talking regular pork sausage, not spicy Italian sausage. Typically I like most topping combinations but the fall-back for me is always sausage, as long as it's the regular stuff. If that isn't available and honestly most pizza places are going the ITALIAN Sausage route... then the fall-back is pepperoni.
Please don't ask why I am writing about pizza at 6a, It's just what I DO and who I AM. Messed up, sure but let me suggest if this is my worst VICE right now, Pizza Obsession at 6am...then I'd say that is progress my dear friends!

You may wonder why I am including a blurry pic of a pizza on when I typically use or try to use high quality photographs on this blog. The reason is this was simply one of the biggest regular menu item pizzas I've ever seen (or eaten)! That is a regular size paper plate, not one of those small single slice jobs. This PIE was freaking HUGE and delicious I might add. I don't recall the name of the pizza place (bummer for them, they could have had some free advertising!) but I do remember we were visiting my daughter and grandkids in Greenville, SC last winter. To the left of the super pie is an XL Pan Pizza in square for...Pan Pies are not my favorite but hey, it's each his own.
I think the reason I am thinking about pizza at this moment is that I am not really able to eat it right now as a result of my stomach surgery a month or so ago. Another issue is that we do not really have, in my opinion any good pizza in this area at all. I'm not knocking the Chain Store Pizza Like Hungry Howie's or Pizza Hut, It's OK but not really what i am used to or come to expect. Even little Holland MI had 3 absolutely awesome and unique pizza places in the area Skiles Tavern, Vitale's in Zeeland and Fricano's Too.
Of the 3 Fricano's and Skiles are my two favorites and both pizza's are unique and very different. Vitale's is good but the original shop, Tony's that was there in the early 1980's was better but Vitale's which is a Grand Rapids MI family business took over in the 1990's and they are a really good pie as well. Just not super premo like the other two. But Vitale's BLOWS AWAY anything we have in this area.
I think I'm going to have to end this post because all this thought about good pizza I can't have is starting to make me cry!
What do our readers think about pizza? Pan, thin crust? Specialty pies like Mexican(GAG!)Pizza?. Americans are passionate about certain things: Pizza is definately one of them What is the best pizza place in the world? Joe Knows (Joey's) on Carrier Circle in Syracuse NY (an awesome place we hit every time we headed out to the E Coast)...I don't know, I have my fav' about YOU?!