I kind of eluded to it in the last post but 6 years ago today, I got sober and one day at a time I have been sober ever since. I am not bragging or showing off, If I was....I should have quit years before I finally did or never started in the first place.
I created a lot of heart-ache and havoc in peoples lives. I ruined a marriage, ruined relationships with long-time friends and family...lost a fantastic job and career...yea, I "retired for medical reasons" but the reality is drinking cost me my career. It was only when it became obvious that the only chance I had was to get sober that I finally gave up and surrendered.
But it is what it is and today is my 6th anniversary of my sobriety and I'm am so grateful to God and those friends and family who stuck with me through a harrowing time. I could not have done it without you...Thank You!
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