When I was a little boy I spent a large chunk of my summer here on Coldwater Lake. I wish I had a pic of the old cottage I could scan and post here. I'll try and get that together this weekend. But anyway I stayed here at the lake, in the old cottage most of the Summer. And the days leading up to the 4th of July were really the best days of the whole summer.
There was a certain magic about it. The large crowds of people that were here, the fireworks going off...it was a thrilling time for a little boy...especially one with a vivid imagination like I had.
I used to lay in the bunk room (my grandfather had 2 WWI surplus style Army Bunks in a little room and the kids, at least most of us stayed in there)and I would lay in there listening to the fireworks going off all night long...The echo of thunder, reverberating around the wooded edges of the lake. I'd close my eyes try to imagine that it was shellfire on some distant battlefield, long ago. I could picture the whole, entire battlefield in my mind, it was thrilling and it was a different time.
And my dad would have a ton of fireworks that he liked to set off, it was just exciting. We would all pile into the pontoon or speed boat and watch the fireworks display over the lake. It's funny but for many years I never came back here on the 4th of July. Not sure why, busy, other plans, it was a variety of things I suppose.
But the last several years I've lived here and i am really starting to get that exciting vibe again I had as a kid. This morning my mom mentioned to my dad that she was getting excited with all the people here this week all ready. One of the newer traditions they have here on the island is one that didn't exist when i was a boy but I believe it started when my kids were staying here with their grandparents.
That is an island parade. Yea it's corny but I have really learn to love it, I really do. It's patriotic, it's funny and it's tradition. This year is really the first year that I 've lived here that we have had company staying over the weekend. That really has the 3 of us looking forward to the weekend with great anticipation.
The fridge is full, both fridges actually are full of brats, lunch meat and all the good foods of summer, watermelon, blueberries, strawberries...the root beer is on ice, my mom's making making cookies like the wild cookie, cooking fiend she has become. The weather is supposed to be great, the lake water is already warm. I can't wait, just another full day...and the weekend will be in full swing.
We have had a lot of people here this week, it's really been the first week that a lot of families stayed here instead of heading home last Sunday night. That added to it, having people around all week. We have the yard all together and a gigantic burn pile, I mean it is HUGE...that is another thing we haven't done in recent years.
I made a big batch of popcorn tonight to get things started. Ok I'm all fired up so I will close. Here's hoping you all have a safe and happy 4th!