Yes, one of the reasons I write about this is in hope that sharing it may help someone else. That perhaps some little thing may shine through that makes sense and can help them. But ultimately I share, I confess, I communicate all of this for me. I admit, it helps me greatly. I wasn't sure in the beginning if I would be able to share such personal thoughts, feeling and emotions in a public forum. But it has come rather easily and the act of communicating openly has really been a positive one for me.
Oh, I've had moments where it may have been too much, too soon. Or I over shared and just couldn't handle the build up of such emotion. But for the most part, it's felt healthy and positive. I haven't really gotten that much feedback which in some ways surprises me. At first, there weren't that many people reading but these days there is a ton of activity and hits yet still not too much feedback. In some ways that's fine, I'm not necessarily looking for it but i find it a bit unsettling that such subject matter little response.
Perhaps not that many people care about it...hey, I would certainly understand that as well. It isn't a blog for the casual reader...definately not. And I seriously doubt that there are many readers who share all of my particular experiences...honestly, I would be shocked if there were one. But I figure there are people, like myself who are interested in what makes other people tick. How they think, feel and live. I am quite interested in what others get out of life and what they give back to it.
I guess to answer my own about who cares the answer would be me, I care. And as far as so what, well I confess that I couldn't stop writing this now if I tried. I've made no secret that I have felt lead or motivated, pushed even by some unseen force to do this. I still feel that push, now more then ever before. So I'll keep pluggin' and posting away the only way I know how. I suppose a day will come when the ideas and the thoughts run out...when that happens I imagine this will all just fade away. I haven't a clue as to when that will be but truthfully, I certainly hope it's not for quite awhile. I'm still really enjoying the journey....