I'll see the doctor tomorrow if something doesn't change by then. I've noticed over the course of the last year how good I've gotten at reading the signals my body is sending me. I know when I'm just feeling a bit "off" for a day or two and when I'm really sick. I'm way more sensitive to it and I think that is typically a good thing but it can be overwhelming when you're prone to illness as I have been the past year.
I get enough energy to do some things for an hour or two then I'm completely depleted of strength and have to rest or if I eat I'm sick to my stomach and incapacitated for several hours afterward...as I just said, ENOUGH already!
I have a fairly busy week before the holiday sets in though nothing planned today. But tomorrow is a different story...One of the things that I have tried to do differently in my life is ask for help when I need it instead of trying to handle everything always on my own. This has been one of the more difficult things I've had to do because my pride gets in the way.
So tomorrow I have to take care of some things that aren't very pleasant but it's part of life. One situation involves a guy I have real difficulty with and he creates quite a challenge personality wise. He also knows my parents and is always asking questions about them. It is difficult but I have to try harder to accept him for who he is. He has always been very nice and the personality issue is one I have to get over...
But I've tried to be more understanding when dealing with people today and for the most part it's helped me work through those awkward and difficult discussions...still I am not very good about this sort of thing and it challenges me. I have to remember that he is doing this for me, I asked for guidance, etc so I have to accept that he may be different then I would like.
The rest of the week is full of the usual stuff then on the weekend we are having K-sue, Ian and his fiance Ellie here for a 4th of July visit. We haven't had a lot of company on the holidays in recent years so we are really looking forward to it. The island is already filling up...a lot of people that came on the weekend didn't leave. I love this time a year, it is one of the magical times on this island. Yea, they have corny traditions like the 4th of July Parade but I love that kind of thing. Plus it will be nice to have a full house for a few days...
So that is added motivation to feel better! Strangely, one of the things I've wondered about is if this "illness" might be related to the shots I'm getting. It really doesn't "feel" that way but I could be wrong about that. So if I don't feel a change for the better by tomorrow I am going to see the doc...I can't mess around with my health anymore....
So I think I'm going to try a little swim and see if that doesn't refresh me and make me feel better. I'm a little leery because I'm running a slight fever and the water is still on the cold side but I'll give it a try and see what happens...or maybe I'll take a splash in the WARMER shower instead!!