It's funny, the same stuff that I kept secret for YEARS because I was too afraid or humiliated to mention to ANYBODY, I talk about in great detail here on the SHOCK. Ironic, eh?!
I am not entirely certain what motivated me to change. Being in recovery from addiction played a role...I learned there that I can't hold stuff in and somewhere down the road I applied that philosophy to my entire life, the rape episode included, instead of just the recovery stuff. And it's been effective...profoundly so.
Another lesson I've learned and applied is that I don't have a recovery life separate from my regular life...nope, it's all just LIFE. As soon as I made that connect things smoothed out a bit, the connection was totally natural and necessary. Funny, I was really freaked out at first when i started thinking about posting this here but now I don't think i would want to live my life without this valuable release...strange how circumstances change, huh?!