Cool Stuff

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Another day trying to mend. Fever is down and I have felt better except for the swelling and intense pain in my right foot. It feels to me that there is something more then infection going on there....Not sure but the swelling looks and feels much more like there is break or bad sprain as opposed to swelling solely because of the infection.Why? Because the infection swelling and redness throughout the rest of the leg is is a condensed ball of severe swelling right on and above the ankle this time and I have NEVER felt such compounded PAIN before.

It is the first time in 7 years of recovery that I have even remotely thought about self-medicating because of pain. The thought passed quickly though. I need to communicate this to my doctors but neither is particularly open minded and would rather not listen to what a patient thinks the problem is.

Anyway...that is the dilemma for the day and what happens to be on my mind at the moment. Until the next time....

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