Cool Stuff

Friday, September 23, 2011

A DOOZY, I'm Stoked and I Kept It Short!

Wow...talking about letting it all hang out in one single post. That is what I did this afternoon with my post 'Tis A Very Thin Line. I had started to become a bit troubled about what this blog should really be and how much of my spiritual beliefs were going to be included in the posts moving forward into the future.

I feel like I was able to lay out my concerns and where I felt I stood on the matter. I was pleased how it turned out. You are not going to please everyone, EVER. I thought I was able to give my reasons for being concerned and my thoughts on where I'd like this to go in the immediate future. 

I do believe the reader now at least understands where I am at with Shell Shock Serenade and where we are headed. I didn't want to seem like I was overreacting and in hindsight I think it's obvious that it was a legitimate concern that needed to be addressed so I glad I did. 

And that my friends is the end of the line for today's posting! The previous blog post was a DOOZY in regards to length as well as CONTENT so I need some popcorn and a bit of R&R. I have some visitors from out of town arriving in a half an hour or so and it is going to be a really fun weekend..So I'm STOKED!

(Painting by Edouard Manet)