Cool Stuff

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Odd Ball Hour & A Warm, Wet Wind...

Rainy and rather warm outside this morning though I think most of the showers have made there way pasts us. It is quite breezy as well...actually very windy is more like it. Warm, humid wind is an odd thinks.

I'm not sure why I think so but I do...and the odd combinations, well I am no stranger to those. I was an athletic kid who loved sports but was also an obsessive book reader, still am...that was a contrast that was more then most high school kids could comprehend or understand. I think most folks who knew us would say my X and I were an ODD couple... Ahh, perhaps...but after so much time and negative memories, it is quite impossible for me to fairly asses but we also had our differences, for sure...yet there were a lot more similarities then people imagined so you never really know. K-Sue and I come from different places on the human spectrum as well but we are actually quite similar too...

I do like odd circumstances, combinations or opportunities...probably because I always felt different or odd myself...but then again who knows now, so much time has passed. I really enjoy the fact that human beings are individual creations...God's Art Work perhaps?! Uh...yea, perhaps we are but it is that uniqueness that can also lead to difficulty because I know for myself...I took it to far...much too far. I thought I could control things...including other people, places and things. Well...I wasn't God but that didn't stop me from trying. The results of my playing God, as documented throughout this blog from the very beginning, were nothing short of disastrous.

Frankly I haven't a clue why the warm, wet wind of this morning has moved me far enough off my square to actually go and write about it but it has. Autumn brings odd weather combinations and that more then likely is another reason it is my favorite time of the year....

As I sit here writing this post I find myself feeling extremely emotional...not quite "weepy" but shockingly close and for the life of me I don't know why. I find it surprising to say the least...

On that note...I will close this warm, wet and windy post...more then likely dear reader, you haven't seen the last of me or this subject for the day. No I would almost suggest that whatever may follow could quite possibly be a DOOZY of a post as well because something, once deep inside of me has worked it's way to the surface and my overly emotional reaction suggests it may very well might give way...We shall see my friend, we shall hang in & HOLD ON.