Cool Stuff

Friday, July 29, 2011

The Subtle Nudges...

Torrential rain with a thunderous soundtrack signals the beginnings of a new day here along the Indiana border in lower Michigan. It is appropriate I suppose for how I have been feeling as of late....

A few of those people who have known me for awhile have expressed a bit of surprise that I haven't blogged much about the passing of my cat, ZOE. I just can' seems the more time has passed the more reluctant I am to "go there". So I'm gonna respect that for now...

I know I've blogged about every other single thing in my life but there is something so deep here that I sense I need to just let it be for a little while. It's rather odd as well that all 3 of us here at home are feeling much the same way. We smile about her but so much just goes unsaid for now...

I find it quite interesting that even though this silence on my part is out of character, my friends and family seem to sense my need for respect and time to heal. Out of a couple dozen FaceBook messages, many more emails, face 2 face discussions and comments on the blog, only one person has even asked me about the details of her passing. I find that fact incredibly unusual because as I've stated, I typically share about such things without too much trouble...not this time.

If I have learned anything over the last several years of my life it is to trust those quiet, subtle nudges that seem to come when I am most in need of guidance and direction. So I shall...and I ask my F&F to honor this need for silence and space as well....Thank You.