Needless to say I am not in the greatest frame of mind right now. I think the decision about whether I am calling the doctor or not this morning has just been made for me thanks to my not so dear friend NAUSEA and his sidekick Little PUKER. Humor?! At a time like this...ah, yea I guess if I didn't try and joke about it I'd really feel bad!
I did some further searches online for side effects to the injections that I am receiving and I'm pretty sure it's causing this but I still need to let Dr Chrissy in on what's happening here. It's funny it took nearly a month for this to manifest itself into these symptoms but once it did, LOOK OUT! Trust me, I got the message about how strong this crap is...Yeeoow!
One other observation before I try and lay back down again: As soon as I was looking online and realized with some certainty "yea, it's the shots and I'm not going to take today's dose, I INSTANTLY felt a bit better". Funny how powerful the human mind is, as soon as I knew what was happening with me, I felt better, a little bit better anyway and more comfortable.
It is strange though, I read these same side effects 2 days ago but I guess they made more sense now after I've had them for a couple of days. It would have been nice if I could have saved myself the trouble...
Alright, let's see if we can get horizontal without throwing up this time...