We are once again getting another dose of extreme weather...noooo, we can't have a summer where it's pretty much 80 degrees, nope it's 65 and wet for 3 days then a tornado last week (F1) and now it's back to weather more familiar in Miami, FL for this time of year: 91 degrees and 85% humidity!
Well, if anything it's interesting. As I've stated before I don't typically complain about the weather but I've noticed that I'm doing it quite a bit now and I was starting to wonder why. I was starting to think that maybe since I'm getting older it just bothers me more then it used to and then it dawned on me: I rent room & board here at my parents house on the island. I pay pretty good $ but it's a wonderful place to be and let's face it...how many people get to live at the place of their childhood dreams took place? The original cottage is gone and there are 10 times as many homes here now (yep HOMES, not cottages even though they are occupied only on weekends in the summer) it's still a magical place for me.
But I've figured out that the issue with the weather is one of environmental CONTROL. In other words, I have NO control over the heat or the air-conditioner, especially whether to even turn on the air. And when you live with senior citizens (god love 'em!) you quickly realize that they tend to get cold rather easily, even on 91 degree days!
Are you starting to get the picture here? I wouldn't give a rat's a** if it was that hot outside if I had the Air Con on but we NEVER turn it on...so I suffer the heat and humidity.And that's it...of course in the winter it's 75 degrees in here and I'm roasting but I will say, it is a small price to pay to get to live here every day.
So here I sit, feeling just a tad guilty for even THINKING about bitchin' about anything yet I suppose I feel a sense of entitlement to do just that because...well because I can! So I will, tee hee. So it is when one lives a Dogs Life...one learns to suffer oh so gracefully, you know!
Lastly in this Tuesday morning blog post of nonsense and the like, I'll interject a bit of the serious: I see my regular doctor, Dr Chrissy to start the ball rolling on some of the secondary concerns discovered during my 2 trips to the MAYO Clinic early this Spring. I have some real concerns so today will be the day to see if I can get them communicated properly.
So off we go...Oh, one last thing. I want to thank everyone who wrote, called, sent a text, tweeted me on my 5 year sobriety anniversary, I really appreciate it very much. Those Special Recognition Days can whig me out a bit but I was very humble and grateful so many people had such nice things to say, so again THANX!