Cool Stuff

Friday, June 17, 2011

I got it

Humbled...I'm feeling some humility and a sad sense of awe at the moment. In response to my post "So What" from last night I received some comments that were quite moving. I really had not really received much contact from other recovering addicts or any one trying to heal from rape or sexual abuse. That changed a bit yesterday.

I've said before that I have a strong sense of connectivity to fellow rape victims or others who have really been hurt in their life. I can really relate and I seem to just tap into where the coming from so easily. It also means a great deal that some folks took the time and risk to comment, some publicly and some privately via messaging.

So thanks for the feed back and if any one else feels compelled to comment please do so. I really could use the feedback, ideas or criticism...just laid it out there.