Cool Stuff

Friday, June 3, 2011

A Quickie: The 10 Minute Post About Nothing

I'm not a person who is comfortable rushing around, running just doesn't suit my personality. No, I like a little sense of order in my daily life. That I realize now is quite a contradiction from the chaotic life I lead as a practicing alcoholic. I still still was uncomfortable running late, rushing around Etc. but ultimately I didn't care as long as the addiction of mine was being fed.

So I noticed a couple of minutes ago that I hadn't posted since last night. Well that simply WON"T do! I Really try to have a post out each isn't a steadfast, hard rule but I just think it's good to be consistent. Perhaps someone out there reading likes to get on the blog and see a new post every morning. So I decided I would post but it would have to be a this is it!

Actually as readers know I typically am not one to write short posts...I tend to rattle on a bit so just maybe this little exercise in short blog post writing will benefit me in the future in that i will have learned to keep it short....

Naw, that's rather unlikely I think...