Welcome to the JUNGLE, my dear readers. Now that you have visited just one, small chamber of whats left of my brain, take a second to reflect on what it had must have been like when I was still drinking and snorting Cocaine all day long and for day's on end! That was the "sober" version of thormoo's world, e-gads it's a spooky place, eh?
Honestly, I do not know where this stuff comes from half the time. Like most of the people close to me in life, I to have just gotten used to my being a bit on the strange side. It's easy to rationalize and say "well he's just a tad ARTISTIC"! Yea, that's right let's rationalize insanity and call it art and he's an artist. Worked for Vincent Van Gogh so why shouldn't work for me.
Of course I value my ears so I'm not THAT freaking crazy, Vincent was totally NUTS, BONKERS even. My insanity on the other hand is chosen and situational, there's a difference, haha! I wear it like an item of clothing and only when it benefits me...
Yes, alright, I am but jesting dear reader but I find it a rather amusing way to pass part of the afternoon....
Seriously, I haven't a clue where the notion that ZOE had a wire-tap inserted in her behind...I'm not paranoid or anything...er,well perhaps a little because I have checked out her litter box a couple of times looking for anything suspicious! So far I haven't noticed anything...
So maybe I just have a vivid imagination...certainly there isn't a problem with that. I suppose I should know better then to make fun of an agent of the government, he probably isn't too happy when people make fun of him, especially Internet. I'd like to say I was joking, that it was all a dream...unfortunately this is the nightmare (government control/abuse) we all share.
Oh well, I suppose I'll keep on plugging away, laughing at the chaos until the world turns upside down or right-side up...