On the other hand, yesterday was my first day where I was really out of the house and I'm a bit weary after all that activity in one single stretch. So I have to make a decision. Pay forward a little bit, take the day and just relax. I do have a church picture appointment at 2p so just do that and relax about the rest of my day.
I realize this sound a bit ridiculous to be posting about but it's more significant then it appears. In the past I was always making poor choices about things, including my daily schedule and my health. I never built relaxation time into my day and I think it's important to do so.
But my nature is too push things...like "I'm feeling pretty darn good today so I need to keep it going, I should do this and that, etc, etc..." So it is a dilemma. Now i could decide right now to take the day for myself, stay home, go for a walk and yes, rest but then I would debate the decision for the rest of the day in my head...It's crazy!
The one thing I have going for me here is time. It's early in the day and I happen to have a couple of hours where I could walk, eat and rest a bit plus then go into town to do a couple of those things I mentioned. I do not need to do them all today...But it is something I have to actually CHOOSE to do and then discipline myself about to stick with the plan.
So that's what I am going to do right now, pull on some sweats, get my walking shoes on and go for a bit of a stroll to clear my head and my lungs...
do not do to much. Remember slow and easy does it and that's the best. Ok... be good. K~Sue