More torrential rain late this afternoon after a decent, partly sunny morning, etc. I had a fun time over at the nursing home this afternoon and I already feel like I'm going to benefit way more by volunteering there then the residents of the home I'm visiting will. They are just wonderful folks and my heart just breaks when I think of them all cooped up inside, some without family or friends to visit. One gal just lost her husband of more then 60 years a month ago. That really has to hurt...
I am going to help with one family to start out with on Thursday...the fellow has Dementia after having a serious stroke 6 months ago and his wife who lives here to can't get away to garden or shop. She was afraid I wouldn't want to do it but I'm thrilled. He is a Marine veteran of WWII having been wounded on Guam in late 1944.
So after I got home around 2:30p I headed outside to spread mulch, work the compost piles and really just get a lot of little stuff fixed. It was one of those days I really like. So I should really be tired but I feel pretty good.
The rain has stopped so I'm thinking a walk might be in order...any way, see you tomorrow!