Cool Stuff

Friday, August 5, 2011

A Witness To TRUTH

I have a confession to make and I suspect that it will NOT come as a surprise to regular readers of Shell Shock Serenade. When I am focused on something, like making a certain change in my life for example...I have a hard time thinking, feeling and talking/writing about anything else. I know this fact only to well because I have already received feedback from family that I have taken this "Recovery" thing too far, talking about very serious things most of the time. This was said to me with great regret...I think the person was missing that "old Thom", Quite frankly..the one who could be incredibly goofy yet still be insightful, witty and informative. The newer model me is still very focused on a growth, change and nowadays; Spiritual Matters.

I believe this statement was made to me after my conversion to Christianity but before I was posting daily about it here on the SHOCK. So I imagine the feelings are even a bit stronger today because I will admit it: Even though I am not trying to shove my beliefs down anyone's throat, I will not be shy about sharing what has benefited ME in a big, big way. So I suppose we are at an impasse...

I honestly cannot hold back my thoughts and feelings on something I am this passionate about...and I won't apologize for it is what it IS...I've said here a couple times of late that I originally did try and not mention my faith based experiences on the blog too much out of fear it would chase people away. Well I couldn't do that for very long...let's face it...I give God the credit for first SAVING then CHANGING my life for ever. Why would I not want to shout about that from the roof-tops, eh? It is part of me...

I have also stated that talking about God all the time can still make me feel strange yet once again...I have to witness to the TRUTH...and that is I have been saved by the Grace Of God. It's simple, the old self is gone and I have life in my savoir Jesus Christ...I really don't know how to sugar coat that and frankly, NOW I don't want to anyway...