Cool Stuff

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Storm Coming

Ominous sky now and a less then rosey weather report to go with it so it looks like trouble on the horizon. Whoa...that's a phrase I'm familiar with: trouble on the horizen. The original story of my life middle name was trouble!

Id like to think we moved on a bit from those days but life can still be rough and tumble at times.  I just try a to roll with it...

Well time to close I have an appt at back later!


  1. I always loved the sky clouds like the ones you posted above. They always were intriguing - whirling around. I didn't like when it just got to the "pure dark" right before the storm. I don't get much of that out here in Arizona though.

  2. I was waiting to meet some people in downtown Coldwater and that was basically the only view I had, wasn't the greatest but looking at it on the computer it turned out better then I expected it too!

